Who makes YOU competent?

Take a look at 2 Corinthians 3:5-6 NIV. Even Paul, the renowned apostle of Christ, recognized that his competence for spreading the gospel came not through his own abilities but only through the Spirit of God, sent by Jesus. And how competent Paul was! He’s one of my superheroes of the faith, whose words from the Spirit still help save millions of souls today.

Are you known for being good at some skill, knowledge, or talent? Do you have a reputation for being a kind or helpful person? If so, this attribute you have is a gift from God, given so you can shine a light into the world; use it to honor Him and make Earth a good place in which to live. We only have so long to be competent and effective down here, after all.

It's great for us to humbly let our competency shine...and even greater to acknowledge its true source!


Obey Him and live, fully.


He forgives AND forgets.