Ruthie Counter
The Author.
The main contributor to the site, Ruthie Counter, is author of Upon the Face of the Waters: Sensing the Spirit’s Presence in Troubling Times. Ruthie is an experienced Bible teacher who has encouraged and helped women understand and apply the Word for more than 30 years. She provides spiritual mentoring and has been a guest speaker at Christian women’s seminars. Ruthie works as a public relations and marketing writer in Illinois. She and her husband Brian have two children, Megan and David.
The Debut Book.
Do you sense trouble surrounding you? Has heartbreak, longing, stress, or failure left you feeling empty and alone—like you’re in a dark void—seeing no relief on the horizon?
You are not the only woman who has felt that way. Since the beginning of time, the Spirit of God has hovered over dark voids, guiding people through them like no one else can. He wants to walk you through your void of darkness too.
The Next Project.
Three were murderers. Two turned serial liars to save their necks. One deserted his wife; another stole someone else’s wife. Three ran for their lives to the wilderness, one feeling so useless he wanted to die.
Yet Abraham, Moses, David, Elijah, Peter, and Paul had one thing in common: they were men of faith esteemed by God. Their life examples teach us that, in view of our mistakes, weaknesses, and sins, our faith in God can transform our relationship with Him into something meaningful.
For updates on this project, visit Grow+Bless Books LLC, a self-publishing tool for author Ruthie M. Counter's Christian Living category of books.