Obey Him and live, fully.

Why do we not believe Romans 3:23 and thereby fail to obey James 5:16? Because the Serpent is still crafty as the ultimate liar (John 8:44):

  • Go ahead, eat from the tree… you will NOT surely die…

  • All have NOT sinned… there are some people who seem to be good and above sinful behaviors…

  • Do NOT confess your sins to anyone else! It's so embarrassing! And you know they will NOT pray for you, only use it as ammunition or talk about you behind your back…

  • Just this once will NOT come back to bite you later…just this one time…

What Satan wants is to steal our joy, kill our spiritual influence on others’ hearts, and ultimately, to destroy our eternal destiny (John 10:10). Let's obey Christ’s commands and follow the apostle’s Spirit-inspired teaching, so we can have abundant life instead.


Look where your life is.


Who makes YOU competent?