Judgment or mercy?

Meditate today on James 2:13, Rom. 3:23, and Luke 23:34. Sometimes, when we see a person sin in ways we wouldn't, or hurt others more than we would, we can feel the person deserves God's judgment more than His mercy. When we see that person later become hurt himself, we can feel he or she is getting just desserts.

Now, what if that person were you? Would you desire judgment or mercy from God? Would you want full justice to be measured on you, or clemency? Guess what? You are that person. So am I. But because of His rich mercy showered on us through the death of Jesus the Messiah, God will not give us our just desserts. Jesus took the full measure of justice for sin for you and me.

May we remember this the next time we're tempted to feel condemningly judgmental of other sinners instead of sorrowful about their sin and prayerful for their deliverance from self-destruction. We're more like Christ when we choose the latter option. I'm so glad mercy triumphs over judgment!


Be anxious for nothing.


Come, oh City of Light.