God has plans for you.

Sometimes we wonder what we were put on earth to do. Most of us want to feel as though we’re making a difference, somehow. But our idea for how we should go about making that difference can contrast significantly from God’s viewpoint.

God’s plan for the Jews, according to Jeremiah, was that He make them prosper, keep them safe from harm, and give them a future and a hope (Jer. 29:11). That’s it. As they kept their faith and love in Him, He was the one who would make the difference in their lives.

This plan hasn’t changed for followers of Jesus Christ. We make a difference by loving the Savior and following His lead. Jesus said that at the end of time, when we all stand in judgment, the issue won’t be whether or not we made some grandiose difference in the world. The issue to be judged will be what we did for “the least of these” (Matt. 25:40-45), how we helped the poor, needy, sick, physically and emotionally imprisoned people He brought into our paths.


Count it all JOY.


Things God says to you.